Eve is an American sitcom created by Meg DeLoatch which originally aired for three seasons on UPN from September 15, 2003 to May 11, 2006. The show revolves around two sets of male and female friends attempting to navigate relationships with the opposite sex. The series’ cancellation, along with that of other black sitcoms, was criticized by media outlets for reducing representation of African-Americans on television. Despite the mixed reception, the show and its star received several award nominations.
About Eve (American TV series) in brief
Eve is an American sitcom created by Meg DeLoatch which originally aired for three seasons on UPN from September 15, 2003 to May 11, 2006. The show revolves around two sets of male and female friends attempting to navigate relationships with the opposite sex. Eve suffered low viewership in spite of its high ratings among young African-American women. The series’ cancellation, along with that of other black sitcoms, was criticized by media outlets for reducing representation of African-Americans on television. It was canceled following UPN’s merger with The WB Television Network to launch The CW in 2006. Despite the mixed reception, the show and its star received several award nominations. The first season introduces the main six main characters: Shelly, J. T., Rita, Janie, Nick, and Donovan. Other frequently recurring characters include Shelly’s younger love interest, Janie’s husband Marty, and her mother Beverly. Several celebrities also make cameo appearances on the show, including Missy Elliott, Brooke Burke, Vivica A. Fox, and Cedric the Entertainer. It has also been released on the iTunes Store and Amazon Video. In the U.S., the show aired on UBN in its original run, and later on TV One. In Australia, the series aired on the Australian network A&E until the end of the second season. The U.K. version aired on A&A until the beginning of the third season, when it was replaced by The X-Files-inspired series The X Factor.
The Australian version of the show was canceled after the second-to-last episode. It aired on The CW from May 11 to June 14, 2006, and was later released on DVD. The American version was released on iTunes in the United States and on DVD in the UK in June 2007. It also airs on the UK channel A&T-TV. The US version was aired on TLC-TV until the middle of the fourth season, and the UK version on TBS-TV in June 2008. The UK version was also released on Blu-ray and DVD in September 2008. It is currently available on DVD and Blu-Ray in the US and Canada. It airs on T-Mobile in Canada and the United Kingdom in the summer of 2009. The Canadian version airs in the fall of 2009, and on UK TV in the winter of 2010. The United States aired in the spring of 2010, and in the autumn of 2011. The episodes are available on iTunes and Amazon.com in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe. The cast includes Eve, Jason George, Ali Landry, Natalie Desselle-Reid, Brian Hooks, and Sean Maguire. UPN executives approached the rapper about a television project after the success of fellow musician Brandy in another of the network’s sitcoms,. Moesha. Eve was developed as a vehicle for Eve under the working title The Opposite Sex. After being picked up, it was renamed Eve to attract the rapper’s fans.
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