Survivor (American TV series)

Survivor is the American version of the international Survivor reality competition television franchise, itself derived from the Swedish television series Expedition Robinson. The American series premiered on May 31, 2000, on CBS. It is hosted by television personality Jeff Probst, who is also an executive producer along with Mark Burnett and the original creator, Charlie Parsons. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants, until only one remains and is given the title of ‘Sole Survivor’

About Survivor (American TV series) in brief

Summary Survivor (American TV series)Survivor is the American version of the international Survivor reality competition television franchise, itself derived from the Swedish television series Expedition Robinson. The American series premiered on May 31, 2000, on CBS. It is hosted by television personality Jeff Probst, who is also an executive producer along with Mark Burnett and the original creator, Charlie Parsons. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants, until only one remains and is given the title of ‘Sole Survivor’ and is awarded the grand prize of US$1,000,000. The series’ 40th season Survivor: Winners at War premiered on February 12, 2020, during the 20th anniversary of the show, and finished airing on May 13, 2020. Production for the 41st and 42nd seasons were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and are now planned to begin filming in spring 2021, with a fall 2021 premiere date for season 41. In 2007, the series was included in Time magazine’s list of the 100 greatest TV shows of all time. The U.S. version has introduced numerous modifications to the core rules in order to keep the players on their toes and prevent them from relying on strategies that succeeded in prior seasons. These include tribal switches, unannounced returning players, hidden immunity idols, special voting powers which can be used to save themselves or others, and a final challenge of a fire-making challenge.

In all seasons for the United States version, this has included a USD 1-million prize in addition to the Sole Survivor title; some seasons have included additional prizes offered during the game, such as a car, as well as fan-favorite prizes awarded at the finale. The show has been nominated for several Emmy Awards, including winning for Outstanding Sound Mixing in 2001, Outstanding Special Class Program in 2002, and was subsequently nominated four times for Out outstanding Reality-Competition Program when the category was introduced in 2003. It is commonly considered the leader of American reality TV because it was the first highly-rated and profitable reality show on broadcast television in the U. S., and is considered one of the best shows of the 2000s. All contestants are paid on a sliding-scale based on the order they were voted out: the first player voted out has been given US$2,500 and the amount increases from there. Some of the seasons that have featured returning players have increased these amounts: Survivor: All-Stars featured payouts starting at US$5,000,. while Survivor: Winners at War had a minimum US$25,000 payout. All are offered US$10,000 for participating in the finale show. The first U. s. season of Survivor followed the same general format as the Swedish series. Sixteen or more players are taken to a remote isolated location and are forced to live off the land with meager supplies for 39 days.