Billy Blanks

Billy Blanks

William Wayne Blanks is an American fitness guru, martial artist, actor, and the creator of the Tae Bo exercise program. He was hired as a bodyguard for lead actress Catherine Bach during the filming of 1988’s Driving Force. He has appeared in several martial arts films, including King of the Kickboxers and Bloodfist.

About Billy Blanks in brief

Summary Billy BlanksWilliam Wayne Blanks is an American fitness guru, martial artist, actor, and the creator of the Tae Bo exercise program. Blanks began his study of the martial arts at the age of eleven, attending Karate and Taekwondo classes. He was hired as a bodyguard for lead actress Catherine Bach during the filming of 1988’s Driving Force. He has appeared in several martial arts films, including King of the Kickboxers and Bloodfist.

He also starred in a touring production of the musical Fame, and has worked as a dancer in music videos with Madonna, Quincy Jones and Paula Abdul. He sold over 1. 5 million VHS tapes in his first year, and is reported to have grossed up to USD 130 million in sales.

1 Response

  1. September 2, 2022

    […] is a martial artist, actor, and founder of the Tae Bo exercise program. He previously served as the bodyguard of Catherine Bach and has made notable appearances in action movies like King of the Kickboxers (1990), Bloodfist […]