Jason Bourne is a 2016 American action-thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass. It is the fifth installment of the Bourne film series and a direct sequel to The Bourne Ultimatum. Matt Damon reprises his role as the main character, former CIA assassin Jason Bourne. The film stars Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander, Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed, Ato Essandoh and Scott Shepherd.
About Jason Bourne (film) in brief
Jason Bourne is a 2016 American action-thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass. It is the fifth installment of the Bourne film series and a direct sequel to The Bourne Ultimatum. Matt Damon reprises his role as the main character, former CIA assassin Jason Bourne. The film stars Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander, Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed, Ato Essandoh and Scott Shepherd. It premiered in London on July 11, 2016, and was theatrically released in the United States by Universal Pictures on July 29, 2016. A 3D version was also released in limited Asian countries, namely China, India, the Philippines and Vietnam. The film received mixed reviews and grossed USD 415 million worldwide. The character Aaron Cross, from The Bournes Legacy, does not appear in the film because director Greengrass wanted to focus on the title character, and because actor Jeremy Renner was unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. In the film, Bourne remains on the run from CIA hit squads as he tries to uncover hidden truths about his father, while CIA director Robert Dewey orders the head of cyber-security Heather Lee to hunt him down. Bourne discovers that his father Richard Webb was a CIA analyst involved in the creation of the Treadstone program. The assassin can intentionally murder anyone to get to the target of Blackbriar in the latest incarnation of the CIA’s targeted assassination ‘Beta’ program, known as ‘Iron Hand’ Bourne escapes and finds Lee, who admits that she is not comfortable with Dewey’s methods and directs Bourne to a technology convention for a public debate on privacy rights with Deep Dream CEO Aaron Kalloor.
When Bourne has second thoughts about giving the CIA access to Deep Dream, Dewey authorizes the Asset to assassinate Bourne and thwarts her plan to assassinate him. The movie was released in cinemas worldwide on July 25, 2016 and was released 3D in India, Philippines, and Vietnam on July 26, 2016 . It was released on Blu-ray and DVD in the U.S. on July 27, 2016; it was released 3D in the Philippines on July 28, 2016 (but not in India and Vietnam) and 3D in the UK on July 30, 2016,. The film has been released in 3D and 2D in Australia and New Zealand on July 31, 2016 as well as in the UK and Ireland on August 1, 2016 and in the US on August 2, 2017. The UK release date is August 8, 2017, and the US release date was August 7, 2017 (but the UK release dates are not yet known). The film is released on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 9, 2017; the UK premiere date is September 7, 2007. The U.K. release date of the film is September 8, 2007; the Australian release date on September 9, 2007, is September 13, 2008.
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