A chief executive officer is one of a number of corporates executives in charge of managing an organization. CEOs find roles in a range of organizations, including public and private corporations, non-profit organizations and even some government organizations. In the 21st century, top executives typically have technical degrees in science, management, engineering or law.
About CEO in brief
A chief executive officer is one of a number of corporates executives in charge of managing an organization. CEOs find roles in a range of organizations, including public and private corporations, non-profit organizations and even some government organizations. In the 21st century, top executives typically have technical degrees in science, management, engineering or law. The CEO of a company is not necessarily the owner or the head of the company. In some countries, there is a dual board system with two separate boards, one executive board for the day-to-day business and one supervisory board for control purposes. The term refers to the person who makes all the key decisions regarding the company, including operations, marketing, business development, finance, human resources, etc. In UK, the term chief executive is used primarily in the business and charitable sector, whereas the term director is used in the not-for-profit sector.
In U.S., the executive officers are usually the top officers of a corporation, with the chief executive Officer being the best-known type. The public relations-focused position of chief reputation officer is sometimes included as one such subordinate executive, but, as suggested by Anthony Johndrow, CEO of Reputation Economy Advisors, it can be seen as another way to add emphasis to the role of a modern-day CEO – where they are both the external face of an organisation and the driving force behind its culture. In 2013, the use of the term ‘chief executive officer’ and ‘executive director’ is generally mutually exclusive in the public public sector of the UK.
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