

A military veteran is a person who has served and is no longer serving in a military. Military veterans are unique as a group as their lived experience is so strongly connected to the conduct of war in general and application of professional violence in particular. Different countries handle this differently: some openly support veterans through government programs, while others ignore them.

About Veteran in brief

Summary VeteranA military veteran is a person who has served and is no longer serving in a military. Military veterans are unique as a group as their lived experience is so strongly connected to the conduct of war in general and application of professional violence in particular. Different countries handle this differently: some openly support veterans through government programs, while others ignore them. Veterans are also subject to illnesses directly related to their military service such as posttraumatic stress disorder. War veterans are generally treated with great respect and honour for their contribution to the world and country by their own nationals. In some countries with strong anti-military traditions, veterans are neither honoured in any special way by the general public, nor have their dedicated Veterans Day, although events are sometimes orchestrated by minority groups. The way veterans are portrayed in the media is likely to contribute to public attitudes. In 2016, 16% of the veterans who were born outside of the United States, made up the largest populations of the Mexican and Filipino populations. In 1990, 40% of young Americans had a veteran for a parent; this decreased to 16% in 2014. In the U.S., 3% of all veterans had been born outside the United states, with all veterans having been born with a parent having been active duty. In 2000, Britain has one of the highest densities of veterans in a major country, with 13 million in 2000, or 219 per 1,000 people. Some veterans live in communities throughout the Congo, after they received compensation from the government during the rule of Mobutese Seko, after overthrow of his overthrow they no longer receive pensions.

A common misconception is that only those who have served in combat or who have retired from active duty can be called military veterans, but this is not the case. The term veteran is used for political purpose and may not actually refer to someone that participated in a war, but rather to someone who feels entitled to some benefit because of association with a cause for which there had been an actual war. In France, for instance, those wounded in war are given the first claim on any seat on public transit. In the UK, \”Remembrance Day\” is held on November the 11th and is focused mostly on the veterans who died in service to the monarch and country. In Russia, a tradition was established after World War II where newly married couples would on their wedding day visit a military cemetery. In Britain, with its historic distrust of standing armies, Britain did little for its veterans before the 19th century. It did set up two small hospitals for them in the 1680s. In London and other cities the streets teemed with disabled or disfigured veterans begging for alms. The King’s National Roll Scheme was an employment program for disabled veterans of the First World War. It stimulated a national discussion regarding the need for employment programs for disabled vets and the responsibility of the state, setting up a future demand for more benefits. It was the most important piece of legislation enacted fordisabled veterans in interwar Britain.