Swift Justice

Swift Justice is an American detective drama television series created by Dick Wolf and Richard Albarino. It aired for one season on United Paramount Network from March 13 to July 17, 1996. It follows former Navy SEAL Mac Swift, a private investigator who was fired from the New York City Police Department. The series was praised for its visuals and McCaffrey’s performance.

About Swift Justice in brief

Summary Swift JusticeSwift Justice is an American detective drama television series created by Dick Wolf and Richard Albarino. It aired for one season on United Paramount Network from March 13 to July 17, 1996. It follows former Navy SEAL Mac Swift, a private investigator who was fired from the New York City Police Department. The series was praised for its visuals and McCaffrey’s performance, but criticized as being either too violent or formulaic. UPN canceled the program after receiving complaints from viewers, advertisers, and critics of its violent scenes. During filming, Jean-Claude La Marre, who guest starred as a hustler, was nearly arrested by a police officer. He accused him of racial profiling. Swift Justice was part of UPN’s new spring schedule that expanded the network’s schedule to three nights per week. It was the first time that Gary Glasberg had had an hour-long television program as an hour long police procedural.

The show was picked up as a mid-season replacement, the series was broadcast on Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m.EST. Thirteen episodes aired between March and July 1996, with the last episode airing on July 17. The last episode aired on July 18, 1996, and the final episode aired July 19, 1997, with a total of 13 episodes aired. The final episode was the last one to be aired on March 13, 1998, with an additional episode airing the following week. The first episode was a special edition of the U.S. edition of American Crime Story, which aired on PBS stations in the United States and Canada on March 20, 1998. The second episode was released on March 21, 1999, with three episodes in the UK.