Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars galaxy five years before A New Hope. The visual style of the series is inspired by the original Star Wars trilogy concept art by Ralph McQuarrie. The first two episodes, titled Spark of Rebellion, premiered on October 3, 2014, on Disney Channels worldwide and on Family Channel in Canada. A number of tie-in media have been released to expand upon the series’ lore such as the comic book series Kanan, the novel A New Dawn, and the novel series Thrawn.
About Star Wars Rebels in brief
Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars galaxy five years before A New Hope. The visual style of the series is inspired by the original Star Wars trilogy concept art by Ralph McQuarrie. The series features new characters, along with some from the original trilogy and from the previous CGI series, The Clone Wars. The first two episodes, titled Spark of Rebellion, premiered on October 3, 2014, on Disney Channels worldwide and on Family Channel in Canada. A number of tie-in media have been released to expand upon the series’ lore such as the comic book series Kanan, the novel A New Dawn, and the novel series Thrawn. Rebels garnered praise for its writing, characters, voice acting, score, and expansion of the franchise’s mythology, although it received some criticism for its animation and perceived lack of depth. The show was nominated for the Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Animated Series and the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children’s Program. Rebels became the first recipient of the Saturn Award for best Animated Series on Television, winning for its final two seasons.
The Complete Season One was released on DVD in the US at all retailers on October 14, 2014. The complete Season Two was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on DVD and Blu-ray on August 30, 2016 in North America and July 31, 2018, in Germany, and July 12, 2018 in the United States. The final episode aired on March 5, 2018 on ABC-TV on ABC of Spark of Spark with the Darth VaderGrand Inquisitor with the prologue shown with the Vader Grand Inquisitor. The full series is also available on the Disney+ streaming service on November 12, 2017, which launched on November 11, 2017 and November 15, 2018. The third season premiered on September 24, 2016, with the television film, Steps Into Shadow. The fourth and last season premiered on October 16,2017, with another one-hour television film,. Heroes of Mandalore. The second season premiered on November 7, and it was moved to the Corus-owned Disney XD channel on December 1. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the series debuted on October 15, 2015, followed by the second-season debut on October 17. In Southeast Asia, Spark of. Rebellion premiered on Disney XD on October 4 and the series officially started on November 29.
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