
Staged is a British television comedy series, set during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and filmed using video-conferencing technology. The series premiered on 10 June 2020 on BBC One. The first series was released in the U.S. via streaming service Hulu on 16 September 2020.

About Staged in brief

Summary StagedStaged is a British television comedy series, set during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and filmed using video-conferencing technology. The series premiered on 10 June 2020 on BBC One. On 22 October 2020, it was announced that a second series has been commissioned. The first series was released in the U.S.

via streaming service Hulu on 16 September 2020. The second series follows the \”real\” Michael and David following the success of the first series of Staged. Simon begins work on an American remake of thefirst series but Michael andDavid are not asked to reprise their roles.