Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical historical action adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, and was Disney’s 36th animated feature and the ninth animated film produced and released during the Disney Renaissance. Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy, Miguel Ferrer and BD Wong star in the English version, while Jackie Chan provided the voice of Captain Li Shang for the Chinese dubs of the film. A 2004 direct-to-video sequel, Mulan II, followed. A live-action adaptation directed by Niki Caro was released on September 4, 2020.
About Mulan (1998 film) in brief
Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical historical action adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, and was Disney’s 36th animated feature and the ninth animated film produced and released during the Disney Renaissance. Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy, Miguel Ferrer and BD Wong star in the English version, while Jackie Chan provided the voice of Captain Li Shang for the Chinese dubs of the film. Mulan was well received by critics and the public who praised the animation, plot, characters, and musical score, and grossed over USD 304 million. It earned a Golden Globe and Academy Award nomination and won several Annie Awards including Best Animated Feature. A 2004 direct-to-video sequel, Mulan II, followed. A live-action adaptation directed by Niki Caro was released on September 4, 2020. The film’s plot takes place in China during the Han dynasty, where Fa Mulan impersonates a man to take her father’s place during a general conscription to counter a Hun invasion. The Huns, led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade the imperial Han China by breaching the Great Wall, and Mulan cleverly uses a Huolongchushui cannon to cause an avalanche, which buries most of the invaders. The ancestors order their great stone dragon to protect Mulan. They send the small dragon Mushu, a disgraced former guardian, to awaken the stone dragon, but he accidentally destroys it in the process.
Mushu conceals this from the ancestors and resolves to protection Mulan himself. The movie ends with Mulan lures the Hun leader onto the roof of the Emperor’s palace, where she engages him in single combat where he dies in a fireworks tower explosion, resulting in the resulting explosion, where he is initially reprimanded by the Emperor for having destroyed the palace and having destroyed Mulan’s message to the world. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story by Robert D. San Souci and screenplay by Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, and Raymond Singer. Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou, and she becomes anxious and apprehensive due to his weakening health. She disguises herself as a man so that she can enlist instead of her parent. She and her fellow recruits Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po gradually become trained warriors. The reinforcements set out but arrive at a burnt-out encampment and discover that the Huns have massacred General Li and his troops. As the reinforcements solemnly leave the mountains, they are ambushed by theHuns, but Mulan tricks them into killing the emperor and capturing the imperial city. As they make their way to the city, they discover that several Hun warriors have survived the avalanche, and mulan catches sight of them and helps them capture the emperor.
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