
Migs Mayfeld is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. He is a former Imperial sharpshooter turned mercenary who leads a crew in an attempt to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison transport ship. The character of Mayfeld received a generally positive response from reviewers, with many complimenting Burr’s performance and the humor the character brought to the series.

About Mayfeld in brief

Summary MayfeldMigs Mayfeld is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. He is a former Imperial sharpshooter turned mercenary who leads a crew in an attempt to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison transport ship. His team includes the show’s protagonist, a bounty hunter known as \”The Mandalorian\”, as well as fellow mercenaries Burg, Q9-0, and Xi’an. The character of Mayfeld received a generally positive response from reviewers, with many complimenting Burr’s performance and the humor the character brought to the series. Reviewers critical of the character felt the character was flat, underdeveloped, or too incompetent as a mercenary. Mayfeld was portrayed by actor and comedian Bill Burr, who was not a fan of Star Wars and repeatedly mocked the franchise and its fans before he accepted the role. Burr received a significant amount of mock outrage from fans for a scene in which he dropped Grogu, the show’s hugely popular breakout character. He was not revealed as the character’s first name until the second season of the series, when it was revealed that he was called ‘Migs’ in the episode ‘The Prisoner’ The character was also referred to as ‘Migs’ in the pilot episode of the first season, but was later changed to ‘Mayfeld’ by the series’ creator Jon Favreau to avoid confusion with the character of ‘’Migs,’’ which is also the name of a character from the original Star Wars film ‘Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back’ ’.

He also has a third blaster controlled by a droid arm attached to his backpack, which he can extract and retract as necessary for additional firepower. He has a sardonic personality and hard-edged sense of humor that is similar to Burr’s real-life comedic style. He once mocks the Mandalorian as well, questioning whether he is really as good a warrior as his reputation suggests, urging him to remove his helmet, and suggesting he may be hiding his face because he is secretly a Gungan. He later decides to break him out of prison so that he could help to rescue GrogU. Unbeknownst to Mayfeld, the rescue target is a Twi’lek alien named Qin, with whom the Mandalorians previously had a falling out, and the mercenaries intend to betray the Mandalian once Qin is rescued. After the crew split up, Mayfeld and Qin become separated from Xi’an and Burg and attempt to find and kill the latter duo. Qin promises to triple Mayfeld’s compensation if he gets off the ship, but the latter decides to try to escape on his own; he promises he will triple the triple. The mercenaries reach a prison cell and kill Davan, after which the others try to abandon him in the cell and try to trap the others with a knife. After gunfights with several security droids, they reach the transport’s control room.