Dark Angel is an American science fiction drama television series that premiered on the Fox network on October 3, 2000. Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, it stars Jessica Alba in her breakthrough role. The series chronicles the life of Max Guevara, a runaway genetically enhanced super-soldier. The first season received mainly positive reviews and won several awards, including the People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. It suffered from a drop in ratings, averaging 6 million viewers per episode, and was canceled.
About Dark Angel (American TV series) in brief
Dark Angel is an American science fiction drama television series that premiered on the Fox network on October 3, 2000. Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, it stars Jessica Alba in her breakthrough role. The series chronicles the life of Max Guevara, a runaway genetically enhanced super-soldier who escapes from a covert military facility as a child. The first season received mainly positive reviews and won several awards, including the People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. It suffered from a drop in ratings, averaging 6 million viewers per episode, and was canceled. A series of novels continued the storyline, and a video game adaptation was also released. Dark Angel is considered to be part of a wave of shows in the late 1990s and early 2000s that feature strong female characters, alongside Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena: Warrior Princess, and La Femme Nikita. In February 2009, a genetically enhanced nine-year-old female supersoldier designated as X5-452 escapes along with eleven others from a secret U.S. government institution code-named Manticore. Ten years later in 2019, the now 19- year-old Max, who calls herself Max Guesara, struggles to search for her brothers and sisters. She tries to lead a normal life while eluding capture by government agents and searching for herBrothers and sisters scattered in the aftermath of their escape. Max is infected with a virus designed to keep him alive to kill him, and the two must avoid all physical contact to avoid being killed.
Over the course of the season, it is revealed that a cult has bred their own supersoldiers who are bred to fight the government. Max’s skin is written in a strange code that makes an appearance on her appearance on an episode of The X-Files. She also makes a living as a bicycle messenger at Jam Pony, a courier company, along with her friends Original Cindy, Herbal Thought, and Sketchy. Other X5s are periodically introduced, most significantly the unit leader Zack. The Manticores are led by Colonel Donald Lydecker. Near the end of the first season, Ly decker is betrayed by his superior, the even more ruthless Elizabeth Renfro, and he defects. He aids Max and Zack in an assault on ManticORE headquarters. Max is badly wounded and captured. Zack, who has also been captured, commits suicide to provide Max with his heart, as she needs an X5 heart transplant to survive. When Max is reunited with Cale, he almost dies immediately and he immediately reunites her with Max. Cale is revealed to be a member of the cult of White Ames, a government agent tasked with eliminating the freed transgenics, and he is killed in the process. The second season, the show was moved to the less desirable air time of Friday night and received some criticism for new plot elements. It was the first and only series produced by the company CameronEglee Productions.
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