Bo (dog)

President Barack Obama and his family were given the dog as a gift after months of speculation about the breed and identity of their future pet. Malia Obama’s allergies dictated a need for a hypoallergenic breed. Bo was named by Malia and Sasha after their cousins’ cat and Michelle Obama’s father.

About Bo (dog) in brief

Summary Bo (dog)President Barack Obama and his family were given the dog as a gift after months of speculation about the breed and identity of their future pet. Malia Obama’s allergies dictated a need for a hypoallergenic breed. Bo was named by Malia and Sasha after their cousins’ cat and Michelle Obama’s father, in reference to the R&B musician Bo Diddley, although the name also makes up the initials of Barack Obama. The Portuguese Water Dog is originally from the Algarve region of Portugal. Only 48 Portuguese Water Dogs were entered for Britain’s Crufts competition in the year 2009 and the author of The New Complete Portuguese Water dog, Kitty Braund, believes there are about 50,000 in North America. Bo’s original buyer is unknown, but eventually they returned him to the Stern family; purchasing Bo required signing a contract to return him to his breeder if things did not work out.

Bo enrolled with Kennedy’s obedience trainer Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz, in Hume, Virginia, on January 5, 2009. The dog was reported to have visited the family some weeks earlier in a secret meeting to gauge compatibility and purportedly referred to by staffers as \”The Meeting\”. However, the gift was not accepted until the dog officially arrived and moved in at the White House on Tuesday, April 14, 2009, Immediately after he arrived, the family staged a photo op with Bo on the property’s South Lawn. In June 2009, The White House released a baseball card for Bo with his new official portrait on one side and one side of his tongue-in-cheek on the other; he does not know how to swim.