Balloon boy hoax

The balloon incident occurred on October 15, 2009. Richard and Mayumi Heene released a homemade helium-filled gas balloon shaped to resemble a silver flying saucer. They claimed that their six-year-old son Falcon was trapped inside it. Authorities confirmed the balloon reached 7,000 feet during its 90-minute flight. On November 13, 2009, Richard Heene pleaded guilty to attempting to influence a public servant. Heene was sentenced to 90 days in jail and ordered to pay USD 36,000 in restitution. On December 23, 2020, the Heenes were pardoned by Governor Jared Polis.

About Balloon boy hoax in brief

Summary Balloon boy hoaxThe balloon incident occurred on October 15, 2009. Richard and Mayumi Heene released a homemade helium-filled gas balloon shaped to resemble a silver flying saucer. They claimed that their six-year-old son Falcon was trapped inside it. Authorities confirmed the balloon reached 7,000 feet during its 90-minute flight. Falcon was found hiding in the attic of his home, where he had apparently been the entire time. On November 13, 2009, Richard Heene pleaded guilty to attempting to influence a public servant. Heene was sentenced to 90 days in jail and ordered to pay USD 36,000 in restitution. On December 23, 2020, the Heenes were pardoned by Governor Jared Polis. The family had been featured on the reality television show Wife Swap on two occasions, the second time as a fan-favorite choice for the show’s 100th episode. During his time on the show, Heene expressed his belief that humanity descended from aliens and spoke of launching home-made flying saucers into storms. A domestic violence investigation was launched at the Heene’s home in February 2009, after Mayumi was seen with a mark on her cheek and broken blood vessels in her left eye. No charges were filed due to lack of evidence. The Lifetime channel had been set to air one of the Wife Swap episodes involving the Hees on October 29, 2009,. but the station pulled the episode because of the balloon incident. After the incident, the producer of Wife Swap said that a show involving the heenes had been in development, but that the deal was now off.

The producer declined to provide specifics. The Heene family maintains their innocence, claiming that they were pressured into a guilty plea under the threat of Mayumi heene’s deportation. The incident attracted worldwide attention, and Falcon was nicknamed \”Balloon Boy\” in the media. The balloon was made from a very thin piece of plywood and held together by string and duct tape. Its capacity at 0 °C is 1,000 cubic feet of helium. It was constructed from plastic tarps taped together, covered with an aluminum foil and held with string andduct tape in a box in which Falcon allegedly rode, which was a box made from plywood, and held on the side of a cardboard box on the base in which he sat. The helium balloon was a prototype of a vehicle which people can pull out of their garage and hover above traffic. Once the balloon once high on the high on, the timer on the balloon would emit one million volts every five minutes for one minute in order to move left and right—horizontal and right in order to move horizontally and horrifically in the air. It landed about 12 miles northeast of Denver International Airport. After flying for more than an hour and approximately 50 miles, the balloon landed about 10 miles from the airport. The parents were arrested and charged with several felony charges, but the charges were later dropped.