Women’s sports

Women’s Sports: A Historical Journey

From ancient Greece to modern-day competitions, women’s participation in sports has been a journey marked by both progress and challenges.

The Ancient World

In the golden age of Greece, women participated in their own version of the Olympic Games called the Heraean Games. These events were dedicated to the goddess Hera, showcasing female athletes running with hair down their backs—a stark contrast to the modern era where women’s sports are more sport-specific and professional.

The Rise of Modern Sports

Until the mid-20th century, few organized sports were invented by women. Today, women’s involvement in sports is more visible in well-developed countries, but their level of participation and performance still varies greatly by country and sport. Despite an increase in women’s participation, the male demographic remains larger globally.

Female-Dominated Sports

Female-dominated sports are rare, and girls’ participation in contact sports is lower than that of males. Two divisions exist: female variants of existing sports and organized female sports that emerged exclusively as a female category. Female variants are more common, while organized female sports are relatively rare.

The Battle for Equality

Despite the progress made, women face significant challenges in the business side of sports. Women athletes often hold second jobs to supplement their income, and live-streaming competitions on social media platforms has become an opportunity for female leagues to reach a wider audience. However, they still occupy leadership positions at a lower rate than men in men’s professional sports but more so in women’s sports.

Title IX: A Milestone

In 1972, the US Congress passed Title IX legislation as part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This law prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The impact on women’s sports participation has led to a significant increase in female participation in high school and college athletics.

Global Participation

Women today play professional sports but face a significant gender pay gap compared to men. Many female athletes hold second jobs to supplement their income, and live-streaming competitions on social media platforms has become an opportunity for female leagues to reach a wider audience. Women face increasing challenges in the business side of sports, occupying leadership positions at a lower rate than men in men’s professional sports but more so in women’s sports.

The Future of Women’s Sports

Despite this, women face pay gaps and unequal representation in organized sport. The ‘battle for equality’ is a common term referring to efforts by groups and individuals to achieve equal representation and support for women in sports. Research has shown that notions of audience interest or preference are often based on personal beliefs rather than evidence.

Media Coverage

Social media has played a positive role in promoting women’s sports by increasing advertising and conversation opportunities. However, media coverage for women’s sports is significantly less than men’s sports. Factors governing this disparity include the male-dominated sports newsroom, ingrained assumptions about readership, and the systematic nature of sports news.

Equipment Design

Sports equipment designed for the female body is less common and can present design issues due to anatomical differences between male and female bodies. This can lead to sizing issues, affect performance, enjoyment, and satisfaction. The development of sports bras has improved women’s participation in sports, addressing physical needs and promoting body acceptance.

Health and Safety

Female athletes are at a higher risk for certain injuries, including knee injuries and ACL tears, compared to male athletes. The female athlete triad (RED-S) refers to the interplay between relative energy deficiency in sport, menstrual dysfunction, and low energy availability, which can affect athletic performance and health.


The journey of women’s sports is a testament to resilience and progress. From ancient Greece to modern-day competitions, women have fought for their right to participate and excel in the world of sports. While challenges remain, the future looks bright as more efforts are made towards equality and support.

Condensed Infos to Women