The untitled Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider- man. The film is directed by Jon Watts, written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland. Filming began in October 2020 in New York City, before moving to Atlanta later that month. Shooting will also occur in Los Angeles and Iceland, and will conclude in March 2021.
About Untitled Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel in brief
The untitled Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider- man. The film is directed by Jon Watts, written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, and stars Tom Holland. Filming began in October 2020 in New York City, before moving to Atlanta later that month. Shooting will also occur in Los Angeles and Iceland, and will conclude in March 2021. It is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on December 17, 2021, as part of Phase Four of the MCU. A fourth Spider- Man film is also in development. The third film is intended to be the sequel toSpider- man: Homecoming and Spider-man: Far From Home, and the 27th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A third MCUSpider-Man film was intended as early as 2017, during production on Homecoming. In July 2019, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said the third film would feature a Peter Parker story that has never been done before on film. In September, Sony Pictures Entertainment chairman Tony Vinciquerra said that the moment the door is closed on the shared universe would be the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters—moving forward. Sony wanted to expand the deal to include more films than had initially been agreed on while keeping the same terms of the original agreement.
By August 2019, negotiations between Sony and Marvel Studios to alter their deal ended with Marvel Studios leaving the project. However, a negative fan reaction led to a new deal between the two companies a month later. Sony announced that it would be moving forward on the next Spider-Men film without Feige or Marvel’s involvement. The company thanked Feige for his work on the first two films, and said they appreciated \”the path has helped put us on, which we will continue. The film will also feature Jamie Foxx, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alfred Molina, Andrew Garfield, and Kirsten Dunst. Tony Revolori will reprise his role as Peter Parker’s classmate and rival Eugene \”Flash\” Thompson from previous MCU films. Sony and Disney announced a new agreement to return to the franchise after a fan reaction to this fan reaction. The two companies returned to negotiations and returned to the new agreement and a new film is in the works. The new agreement was announced at Disney’s biennial D23 convention in July. Sony chairman Tom Rothman and Tom Iger personally spoke to Disney CEO Bob Iger and personally urged the company to return. The companies announced that they would be returning to the project and returning to a different property for Marvel Studios and Feige.
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