Uncle Buck is a 1989 American comedy film written and directed by John Hughes. Starring John Candy and Amy Madigan, the film tells the story of a bachelor and all-around-slob named Uncle Buck. The film was released in theaters on August 16, 1989 by Universal Pictures and grossed USD 79. 2 million against a USD 15 million budget.
About Uncle Buck in brief
Uncle Buck is a 1989 American comedy film written and directed by John Hughes. Starring John Candy and Amy Madigan, the film tells the story of a bachelor and all-around-slob named Uncle Buck, who babysits his brother’s rebellious teenage daughter and her younger brother and sister. Uncle Buck was released in theaters on August 16, 1989 by Universal Pictures and grossed USD 79. 2 million against a USD 15 million budget. This was Jean Louisa Kelly’s first feature film directed under a multi-picture agreement. The film was the first written and produced by JohnHughes, and the first produced by Robin Williams, George Wendt, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, John Goodman, Ed O’Neill, and Joe Obeidallah. Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, John Travolta, Michael Keaton, John Witherspoon, Danny DeVito, and Robin Williams all appeared in the film.
It was directed by Hughes and co-written by Hughes, who also co-wrote “The Godfather” and “The Stepfather” The film is based on a true story of Bob and Cindy Russell and their three children, Tia, 8, Miles, and 6-year-old Maizy. Buck lives in a small apartment in Chicago, drinks, smokes cigars, earns his living by betting on rigged horse races, and drives a dilapidated 1977 Mercury that backfires. Buck and his girlfriend Chanice have been together for eight years; she wants to get married and start a family, and Buck has grudgingly accepted a new job at her tire shop. Tia is always moody, being especially condescending towards her mother, Cindy Russell. Bob suggests asking his brother Buck to watch the children, to which Cindy objects while suggesting they ask the Nevilles.
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