Tintin in the Congo is the second volume of The Adventures of Tintin. It was serialised weekly from May 1930 to June 1931 before being published in a collected volume in 1931. The story tells of a young Belgian reporter and his dog Snowy, who are sent to the Belgian Congo to report on events in the country. The series subsequently became a defining part of the Franco-Belgian comics tradition.
About Tintin in the Congo in brief
Tintin in the Congo is the second volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Commissioned by the conservative Belgian newspaper Le Vingtième Siècle, it was serialised weekly from May 1930 to June 1931 before being published in a collected volume in 1931. The story tells of a young Belgian reporter and his dog Snowy, who are sent to the Belgian Congo to report on events in the country. Amid various encounters with the native Congolese people and wild animals, TintIn unearths a criminal diamond smuggling operation run by the American gangster Al Capone. The series subsequently became a defining part of the Franco-Belgian comics tradition. In the late 20th century, the work became increasingly controversial for both its perceived racist colonial attitude toward Congoles people and for its glorification of big-game hunting. Critical reception of the work has been largely negative, with commentators describing it as one of hergé’s lesser works. In 1946, HergÉ re-drew and coloured Tint in The Congo in his distinctive ligne-claire style for republication by Casterman, with further alterations made at the request of his Scandinavian publisher for a 1975 edition. The book was a commercial success within Belgium and was also serialised in France. It was also a success in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, but attempts were made to either ban the work or restrict its availability to children in those countries.
The last edition of the book was published in France in 1976. It is the last volume of the series to be published by Éditions de Petit Ving Tième, which continued to publish the series until the end of the 1980s. The final edition was published by Le Petième in 1987, and it was the last edition to be released in the UK in 1988. It has since been re-issued in a number of editions, including the latest edition in 2010 and the most recent edition in 2012. The books have been collected into a single volume, The Tintiings of The Congo, which is available in hardback and softback for £10.99 ($16.99) and £15.99 (including p&p). The book has been translated into several languages, including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Portuguese, and has been published in several editions in Europe and North America, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. The first volume was published under the pen name Georges Remi—best known as the editor and illustrator of Le Petit Petit. Remi was also known as Georgesremi, or Remi Remi, the best known illustrator and penciller of Le petit Petti. The second volume, published in 1931, was the first volume of The Adventures of the Tintintin series, and was published as a collectedvolume by Éditions de Petit Vingti Siècle.
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