Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek: Prodigy is an upcoming American animated television series created by Kevin and Dan Hageman for Nickelodeon. Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek:Voyager for the series, which is set to premiere in 2021. Prodigy follows a group of teenagers who use an abandoned starship to search for adventure.

About Star Trek: Prodigy in brief

Summary Star Trek: ProdigyStar Trek: Prodigy is an upcoming American animated television series created by Kevin and Dan Hageman for Nickelodeon. It is part of the Star Trek franchise, and will be launched in 2021 as part of executive producer Alex Kurtzman’s expansion of the franchise. Prodigy follows a group of teenagers who use an abandoned starship to search for adventure. The series uses computer-generated animation, differing from previous Star Trek animation, and it is intended for younger audiences than previous series. Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager for the series, which is set to premiere in 2021. The Hageman brothers announced the series’ writers room in July 2019, which includes Julie and Shawna Benson, Diandra Pendleton-Thompson, Chad Quandt, Aaron Waltke, Lisa Shoop Boyd, Nikhil Jayaram, Erin McNamara, and Keith Sweet.

Ben Hibon was announced as director, co-executive producer, and creative lead for the series in August 2020. In August 2020, the writers were close to completing their work for the first two seasons of the series. During the 2020 New York Comic Con, it was announced that Kate Mulgrew was brought back for a very specific reason. The production had approached the Hagemans about starring in a series in a year before the series was announced.