Sonic: After the Sequel is a 2013 platform video game created by Brazilian student Felipe Daneluz. It is an unofficial game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was released as a free download for Microsoft Windows personal computers on June 15, 2013. It has been downloaded 120,000 times by March 2014, making it one of the most downloaded fangames of all time.
About Sonic: After the Sequel in brief
Sonic: After the Sequel is a 2013 platform video game created by Brazilian student Felipe Daneluz. It is an unofficial game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series and set between the official games Sonic the. Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the hedgehog 3. It was released as a free download for Microsoft Windows personal computers on June 15, 2013. The game was very well received by video game journalists, who lauded its preservation of retro Sonic gameplay and its eclectic, 1990s-style soundtrack. It has been downloaded 120,000 times by March 2014, making it one of the most downloaded fangames of all time. It lets the player control either the blue hedgehog Sonic or his orange fox friend Tails. It takes place in seven levels, known as zones, each divided into three acts followed by a boss fight with Doctor Eggman. The player collects rings in zones and boss fights as a form of health: upon being hit by an enemy or harmful obstacle, the player’s rings will scatter and can be recollected.
These zones are designed for fast-paced gameplay, featuring typical Sonic obstacles such as bottomless pits and vertical loops. It also features power-ups throughout its zones, which are activated with the \”X\” key: these include typical Sonic power-up such as shields and extra lives, as well as new ones. The \”Beam\” power- up for Sonic and the \”Mirror\”power-up for Tails are borrowed from and credited to Nintendo’s Kirby series. After its final boss, Sonic and Tails fly aboard the Tornado once more—the segue into the events of Sonic: Chrono Adventure, the third game in the Sonic series. It’s the second Sonic game to be created by a Brazilian student, the first being Sonic: Before The Sequel, which was created by Felipe Daneluz from São Paulo, Brazil.
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