Sisters at Heart

“Sisters at Heart” is the thirteenth episode of the seventh season, and 213th episode overall, of the American Broadcasting Company fantasy television sitcom Bewitched. This Christmas episode aired on ABC on December 24, 1970, and again the following December. The episode received the Governors Award at the 23rd Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony in 1971. It is one of only two episodes in the show’s history to feature a black lead character.

About Sisters at Heart in brief

Summary Sisters at Heart“Sisters at Heart” is the thirteenth episode of the seventh season, and 213th episode overall, of the American Broadcasting Company fantasy television sitcom Bewitched. This Christmas episode aired on ABC on December 24, 1970, and again the following December. The narrative follows Lisa Wilson, an African-American girl, as she visits her friend Tabitha Stephens, a white girl. The episode received the Governors Award at the 23rd Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony in 1971. The story was written by 26 African-Americans from a tenth grade English class at Jefferson High School after Montgomery and her husband William Asher, the director of the episode, had the students visit the set of Bewitches. It was considered one of the best episodes of the series, and Montgomery said it was created in the “true spirit of Christmas… conceived in the image of innocence and filled with truth” The episode was not well-received by critics, who denounced the episode’s liberalism as excessively sentimental and simplistic, and called it overly sentimental and overly simplistic in its choice of camera angles. It is one of only two episodes in the show’s history to feature a black lead character, the other being “Sleeping Beauty” in the second season of the show. In the third season, the episode featured a white lead character and a black main character, as well as a black and white lead pair.

The show was canceled in the fourth season. The final episode was “Sisters At Heart” on December 25, 1970. The last episode of season seven aired on December 26, 1971, on ABC at 8 p.m. ET. The series was canceled on December 27, 1971. It has been rebroadcast on ABC several times since then, including on December 28 and 29, 2011. The episodes are available on DVD and Blu-ray. The DVDs are available for download from the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store, with a free download of the Blu-Ray version available from the Apple Store for $3.99. The iTunes Store version of the DVD is available for $4.99 with a 30-day free trial of theBlu-Ray edition of the DVDs, with an additional $2.99 option for the regular $5.99 price. The DVD is also available on the iTunes store for the next two weeks. The third episode is available on December 30, 2011, and the fourth on December 31, 2011 for $6.99 and $7.99 respectively. The fourth and final episode is “Sister’s Day” on January 1, 2012, on the same day as the Christmas episode of “Bewitched” and the fifth on January 7, 2012. The fifth episode is on January 8, 2013, at 8:30 p.M. ET and the sixth on January 9, 2013. The sixth episode is called “The Last Episode” and airs on January 10, 2013 at 8pm ET and 9pm ET.