Peter Rabbit (film)

Peter Rabbit is a 2018 live-actioncomputer-animated comedy film, based upon the character of the same name created by Beatrix Potter. The film stars Rose Byrne, Domhnall Gleeson, and Sam Neill, and the voices of James Corden, Daisy Ridley, Elizabeth Debicki, and Margot Robbie. It was released on February 9, 2018, receiving mixed reviews and grossing USD 351 million worldwide. A sequel is set to be released in the United Kingdom on March 26, 2021, and in the U.S. on April 2, 2021.

About Peter Rabbit (film) in brief

Summary Peter Rabbit (film)Peter Rabbit is a 2018 live-actioncomputer-animated comedy film, based upon the character of the same name created by Beatrix Potter. The film stars Rose Byrne, Domhnall Gleeson, and Sam Neill, and the voices of James Corden, Daisy Ridley, Elizabeth Debicki, and Margot Robbie. It was released on February 9, 2018, receiving mixed reviews and grossing USD 351 million worldwide. A sequel is set to be released in the United Kingdom on March 26, 2021, and in the U.S. on April 2, 2021. The story focuses on Peter Rabbit as he deals with new problems, when the death of Mr. McGregor brings his great-nephew to the area who quickly discovers the trouble Peter’s family can cause. The sequel will be released on March 25, 2019, in the UK and on March 27, 2019 in the US. The movie is expected to open at the box office on March 28, 2019 and in Australia on March 29, 2019. It will then be released worldwide on March 30, 2020, and March 31, 2023, in Australia and 2024, and 2025, in Europe and 2026, in North America and 2027, in Japan and South Korea, and then worldwide in 2028, 2028 and 2029, in France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, among other countries.

It is set in England’s Lake District, where Peter Rabbit, his cousin Benjamin Bunny, and triplet sisters Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, spend most of their days picking on old Mr.  McGregor and stealing vegetables from his garden. In London, Mr. McGregor’s great-Nephew, Thomas, works in the toy department of Harrods where he waits for a promotion to associate general manager. He is infuriated over losing the promotion to a lazy nephew of the managing director and is fired for losing his temper. He kicks out Peter and the animals and begins to upgrade the security of the garden wall and gates, despite Bea’s objections. He and Thomas start a war with each other by setting traps and other offensive nuisances. Things get out of hand when Peter rewires an electric fence set up by Thomas, prompting Thomas to throw dynamite in the rabbits’ burrow. After the rabbits trigger Thomas’ allergy to blackberries, he attacks them in the garden with some of the dynamite, and tells Peter that his antics caused him to become aggressive, and attempts to strangle him, but Bea comes by and saves him.