Nativity of Jesus

The nativity is the basis for the Christian holiday of Christmas on December 25. The artistic depiction of the nativity has been an important subject for Christian artists since the 4th century. The date of birth for Jesus of Nazareth is not stated in the gospels or in any secular text. A majority of scholars assume a date between 6 BC and 4 BC.

About Nativity of Jesus in brief

Summary Nativity of JesusThe nativity is the basis for the Christian holiday of Christmas on December 25. The Gospels of both Matthew and Luke place the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. The artistic depiction of the nativity has been an important subject for Christian artists since the 4th century. The date of birth for Jesus of Nazareth is not stated in the gospels or in any secular text, but a majority of scholars assume a date between 6 BC and 4 BC. Like the Christian Gospels, Islam places the virgin birth ofJesus in Bethlehem in the four canonical gospels. Of these two, only Luke offers the details of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, the mother of Jesus, was betrothed to Joseph, but was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit through a dream. The Armenian Apostolic Church continues the original ancient Eastern Christian practice of celebrating the birth. of Christ not as a separate holiday, but on the same day as the celebration of his baptism, which is on January 6. Some Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7 as a result of their churches continuing to follow the Julian calendar, rather than the modern day Gregorian calendar. The Easter season is the time when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the arrival of his son in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is also the time of the Nativity, when Christians focus on the story of Jesus and his birth. The nativity plays a major role in the Christian liturgical year.

Many Christians traditionally display small manger scenes depicting the natives in their homes, or attend Nativity Plays or Christmas pageants. Elaborate nativity displays called \”creche scenes\”, featuring life-sized statues, are a tradition in many continental European countries during the Christmas season. Christian congregations of the Western tradition begin observing the season of Advent four Sundays before Christmas. Christians of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox Church observe a similar season, sometimes called Advent but also called the \”Nativity Fast\”, which begins forty days before Christmas, Some Orthodox celebrate Christmas on December 25, while others celebrate  January 7, or January 6, depending on the church’s chastity and the date of the  celebration. The first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria is generally accepted that Jesus was born before circa 4 BC, which is the estimated year of Herod’s death. In the 2nd century, Justin Martyr stated that Jesus had been born in a cave outside the town, while the Protoevangelium of James described a legendary birth in a caves nearby. In Contra Celsum 1. 51, Origen, who from around 215 travelled throughout Palestine, wrote of the \”manger of Jesus\”. In Contra Celsum 1.51, Justin Martyr described the cave-manger site traditionally venerated as the birthplace of Jesus as the site of the cult of the god Tammuz.