Laverne & Shirley is an American sitcom television series that played for eight seasons on ABC from January 27, 1976, to May 10, 1983. The series is a spin-off of Happy Days, as the two lead characters were originally introduced on that series as acquaintances of Fonzie. The show became the most-watched American television program by its third season, and was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and a Primetime Emmy Award in 1979.
About Laverne & Shirley in brief
Laverne & Shirley is an American sitcom television series that played for eight seasons on ABC from January 27, 1976, to May 10, 1983. The series is a spin-off of Happy Days, as the two lead characters were originally introduced on that series as acquaintances of Fonzie. Michael McKean and David Lander co-starred as their friends and neighbors Lenny Kosnowski and Andrew \”Squiggy\” Squiggman, respectively; along with Eddie Mekka as Carmine Ragusa, Phil Foster as Laverne’s father Frank DeFazio, and Betty Garrett as the girls’ landlady Edna Babish. The show became the most-watched American television program by its third season, and was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and a Primetime Emmy Award in 1979. It inspired an animated series with the duo in the army contending with their immediate superior, a commanding pig named Sgt. Squealy who was voiced by Ron Pal Palillo. During the fifth season, the girls went into the Army Reserve, and they contended with a tough-as-nails drill sergeant named Alvinia T.
The Frog\” Plout. While their time in the live action series was brief, it did inspire a live-action version of the animated series, with the girls always threatening to report them to Sgt. Turnbuckle. Michael and David created the characters of Lenny and Squiggy while both were students at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduating, they continued to perform the characters in live comedy routines before joining the show’s cast. The ladies all moved from Milwaukee to Burbank, California for the sixth season in 1980, and took jobs at a talent agency called Frank and Edna’s Cowboy Bill’s. For the first five seasons, from 1976 to 1980, the show was set in Milwaukee, taking place from roughly 1958–59 through the early 1960s. Also included in the show are LaverNE’s father, Frank Defazio,. proprietor of the Pizza Bowl, and EdNA Babish, the apartment building’s landl lady, who would later marry Frank.
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