Kinsey scale

Kinsey scale

Alfred Kinsey created the scale in order to demonstrate that sexuality does not fit into two strict categories: homosexual and heterosexual. The scale ranges from 0 for those interviewed who solely had desires for or sexual experiences with the opposite sex to 6 for those who had exclusively same sex desires or experiences. The results found in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male show a higher number of men who lean towards homosexuality than recorded for the women.

About Kinsey scale in brief

Summary Kinsey scaleThe Kinsey scale is used in research to describe a person’s sexual orientation based on one’s experience or response at a given time. Alfred Kinsey created the scale in order to demonstrate that sexuality does not fit into two strict categories: homosexual and heterosexual. Kinsey’s first rating scale had thirty categories that represented thirty different case studies, but his final scale has only seven categories. The scale ranges from 0 for those interviewed who solely had desires for or sexual experiences with the opposite sex to 6 for those who had exclusively same sex desires or experiences. The results found in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male show a higher number of men who lean towards homosexuality than recorded for the women. In both the male and female volumes of the Kinsey Reports, an additional grade, listed as ‘X’ indicated ‘no socio-sexual contacts or reactions’. The Kinsey Scale may not be sufficient for accurate classification of asexuality, according to psychologist Justin J.

Lehmiller. The inclusion of someone with less sexual experience to rank less heterosexual than someone with more sexual experience allows someone to rank evenly with someone of greater sexual experience. He posits that such reports are due to the ‘wishful thinking on the part of such heterosexual males’ The scale is credited as one of the first attempts of attempts to address the contrary to the contrary of such thinking. It is also known as the “Father of the sexual revolution’” and “The Father of the Human Sexual Revolution’ ““”“The father of thesexual revolution” is known as “Alfred Kinsey,” who is considered to be “the father of sexual revolution.” “It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories… The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects”