Home Alone is a series of American Christmas family comedy films created by John Hughes. Each film is directed individually by Chris Columbus, Raja Gosnell, Rod Daniel, and Peter Hewitt. The plots revolve around children who find themselves left alone during the holiday season. The film became the highest-grossing film of 1990, grossing USD 476,684,675 worldwide.
About Home Alone (franchise) in brief
Home Alone is a series of American Christmas family comedy films created by John Hughes. Each film is directed individually by Chris Columbus, Raja Gosnell, Rod Daniel, and Peter Hewitt. The plots revolve around children who find themselves left alone during the holiday season, faced with the challenge of defending themselves and their homes from different types of criminals. The film became the highest-grossing film of 1990, grossing USD 476,684,675 worldwide. The fourth installment was directed by Rod Daniel and premiered as a television film on ABC on November 3, 2002. The fifth installment in the series premiered exclusively on ABC Family’s Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas on November 25, 2012. It is the first film that was not theatrically released on March 15, 2012, and stars Christian Martyn Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Eddie Stples, Malcolm Debiar and Eddie Finn. The story centers on the Baxter family’s relocation from California to Maine, where Eddie becomes convinced that his house is the only one left in the world. This film returns to the original’s main character, Kevin, and one of the two Wet Bandits, Marv. Kevin’s parents have separated, and he lives with his mother.
He decides to go spend Christmas with his father and his rich girlfriend Natalie, but finds himself having to deal with his nemesis Marv, his new sidekick Vera and an unlikely inside person. It was released on Region 1 DVD to Region 1 on October 20, 2003, and Region 1 Blu-ray on October 29 in Melbourne, Australia. The sixth installment, Home Alone 4, is released on July 29, 2014, and takes place one year after the events of the original film. It centers on Alex Pruitt, a young boy who is left home alone with chickenpox, but soon recovers. He is given the car for shoveling the snow in her driveway. Four international spies working for a North Korean terrorist group are sent by their boss to retrieve a top-secret microchip that can act as a cloaking device for a missile. They succeed in retrieving it and hide it in a remote controlled car, but due to a luggage mix-up at the airport with the Pruitts’ neighbor Mrs. Hess, the car lands in the hands of Alex. Once they realize he has the chip, they prepare to invade his house. He devises elaborate traps and bamboozles the four crooks with the help of his pet rat, his brother’s pet parrot and some intricate tripwires.
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