The fourth season of Fargo premiered on September 27, 2020, on FX and concluded on November 29, 2020. The fourth season is set in 1950 in Kansas City and the story follows two crime syndicates as they vie for control. The cast is led by Chris Rock, who plays Loy Cannon, the head of a crime syndicate.
About Fargo (season 4) in brief
The fourth season of Fargo premiered on September 27, 2020, on FX and concluded on November 29, 2020. It consisted of 11 episodes. The fourth season is set in 1950 in Kansas City and the story follows two crime syndicates as they vie for control. The cast is led by Chris Rock, who plays Loy Cannon, the head of a crime syndicate made up of black migrants fleeing the Jim Crow South.
Other cast members include Jessie Buckley, Jason Schwartzman, Ben Whishaw, and Jack Huston. Bokeem Woodbine and Brad Mann reprise their respective roles as Mike Milligan and Gale Kitchen in a cameo appearance in the season finale.
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