Carnivàle is an American television serial drama set in the United States Depression-era Dust Bowl between 1934 and 1935. The show traces the disparate storylines of an ensemble of fictional characters revolving around two main characters: young Ben Hawkins working in a traveling carnival, and a California preacher named Brother Justin Crowe. Show creator Daniel Knauf’s original story pitch to HBO included elaborate character biographies.
About Characters of Carnivàle in brief
Carnivàle is an American television serial drama set in the United States Depression-era Dust Bowl between 1934 and 1935. The show traces the disparate storylines of an ensemble of fictional characters revolving around two main characters: young Ben Hawkins working in a traveling carnival, and a California preacher named Brother Justin Crowe. Show creator Daniel Knauf’s original story pitch to HBO included elaborate character biographies, which he gave to the actors, the writers and the studio as an overview over the series’ intended plot. The characters themselves are confronted with self-realization and becoming aware of these powers and learning to harness them, and the implications of this battle between good and evil. The thematic and period setting required an unusual casting approach. While some actors were hired for their genetic disabilities, most actors were specifically cast for their unique and distinct looks to fit the 1930s period. Award-winning costumes and make-up enhanced the illusion. Reviews generally lauded the actors and characters, and several actors received award recognition for their performances. It aired on HBO between 2003 and 2005. The second season amounted to thirteen main cast members, supplemented by several actors in recurring roles. Although such large casts make shows more expensive to produce, theWriters have more flexibility in story decisions. Ben Krohn Hawkins is picked up by a traveling gang when his mother dies. He has displayed inexplicable healing powers since childhood, and he has begun to suffer from visions of people unknown to him.
As the beginning of the series makes the mysterious visions of the carnival clearer, Ben is told to find the preacher of his dreams to prevent an catastrophic events of unfolding. He must take life, he must raise the dead, to raise the life of someone else to prevent the events of an catastrophic event of an unfolding events of his own. He seems to be related to Henry Scudder, a man who once worked at a carnival. He also learns that his powers come with a price – he must give life, to give life to someone else – to give the life, and to give his life to the people he sees in his dreams. He is also told to kill someone else, he has deliberately killed someone else in the dreams, to kill the person else. He begins the story as a young Oklahoma farmer and chain-fugitive fugitive. The supporting characters of Brother Justin’s storyline are his sister Iris, his mentor Reverend Norman Balthus, radio show host Tommy Dolan, and convict Varlyn Stroud. Several characters appear in mysterious dreams and visions connecting the slowly converging storylines. Due to their nature, these sources do not offer canon information per se, but provide a frame for the characters’ motivation throughout the series. The original character backgrounds were further developed before the filming of CarnivàLe began, but were not made part of the show’s visible structure. The writers revealed future character arcs and forwarded all original biographies to fans as part of a show’s so-called “Pitch Document”
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