Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Boruto is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It began monthly serialization in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump, in May 2016. An anime television series adaptation directed by Noriyuki Abe started airing on TV Tokyo on 5 April 2017.

About Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in brief

Summary Boruto: Naruto Next GenerationsBoruto is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It began monthly serialization in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump, in May 2016. An anime television series adaptation directed by Noriyuki Abe started airing on TV Tokyo on 5 April 2017. Unlike the manga, which began as a retelling of the Boruto film, the anime begins as a prequel set before Boruto and his friends become ninjas in a later story arc. A series of light novels have also been written. The manga has shipped a million copies of the manga series as of January 2017. The anime prequel earned praise for its use of both new and returning characters but the narrative of the Manga was noted to be more serious as it focused more on the protagonist. It is a spin-off and a sequel to Kishoto’s Naruto, which follows the exploits of Boruto Uzumaki’s son, Boruto, and his ninja team. In November 2020 Kodachi stepped down, with Kishotos taking over as writer. Boruto joins the four Kages—the leaders of other ninja villages—to rescueNaruto. Boruto becomes a bodyguard for the Fire Daimyo’s son Tento with the two finding kinship in both wanting to be acknowledged by their fathers. When a group of bandits known as the Mujina kidnaps Tento, he saves the boy with the group’s leader incarcerated due to having knowledge on the mark that Momoshiki placed on Boruto.

After recovering from his fight, he decides to become like his mentor, Sasuke in the future while entrusting Sarada to follow her dream of becoming the next Hokage. After learning of this, a mutiny starts to form in Kara, with Jigenado Kashinji challenging Boruto for the title of “Hokage” Boruto’s team meets Kara’s fugitive Kawaki, a boy who also has karma. However, when Boruto saves the young man, the leader of Team 7 saves Boruto as well, with the leader sealing away the real leader of Kara, Isshiki Otsutsuki, in an asylum in Konoha. After Boruto defeats Kawaki in a battle, he becomes an adopted member of the Uchiha family, trying to protect him and the family from the Kages. He also learns that the real owner of Kara is actually Jigenido Kashin, who was betrayed by Kinshiki who was ever since he was a child by Kaguya Otsutki. He goes to Konoha to seek asylum in Amoha to exchange information for the asylum, but ends up being taken in by the Kage leader, Amoha’s leader, Jigenada Kashin. He becomes a member of Konoha’s 7th Kages, with Boruto becoming the 7th Hokage himself.