A Certain Magical Index is a Japanese light novel series written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. It has been published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint since April 2004. A manga adaptation by Chuya Kogino began serialization in Monthly Shōnen Gangan from May 2007. Two 24-episode anime series were produced between 2008 and 2011. An animated film was released in February 2013.
About A Certain Magical Index in brief
A Certain Magical Index is a Japanese light novel series written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. It has been published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint since April 2004. A manga adaptation by Chuya Kogino began serialization in Monthly Shōnen Gangan from May 2007. Two 24-episode anime series were produced between 2008 and 2011. An animated film was released in February 2013. Yen Press has licensed the series in North America and began releasing it under their Yen On imprint in November 2014. A sequel series of light novels titled New Testament: A Certain Magical index began publication on March 10, 2011 and concluded with the publication of its 23rd volume on February 7, 2020. The series has been adapted into two manga series, one based on the novels and one on a film adaptation of the film Toaru Majutsu no Endymion no Kiseki no Indekkusu. The first volume was released on November 10, 2007 and as of February 2014, 13 volumes have been published. The second, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, focuses on a teenager who can control vectors, known as the most powerful Esper in Academy City. The anime adaptations are licensed in North American by Funimation and a 26-episode third season aired between 2018 and 2019, licensed by Funimating. The story is set in Academy city, a technologically advanced independent city-state located in the west of Tokyo known for its educational and research institutions.
Tōma Kamijō is a student in AcademyCity whose right hand, the Imagine Breaker, has the ability to negate any supernatural power, but also negates his own luck, much to his chagrin. His encounter with a young English girl named Index leads him to meet others from the secret worlds of science and magic. This leads to a power struggle between the magic and science factions for control of the world. Besides its own manga adaptation, the series also has two side stories which are side stories focusing on other main characters. One of them is A certain Scientific Railgun, which focuses on Mikoto Misaka, an Electromaster and one of the mostpowerful Espers in the city. The other is A Certain scientific Accelerator: The Enduring Power of a Certain Scientific Rail Gun, which is a side story focusing on Accelerator’s ability to control vectors. The manga is also published in Italy by Star Comics and in Germany by Carlsen Comics and is also available in Italy and Germany by A Star Comics. The novels have been licensed in America by Yen Press and Yen On and have been released as of November 2014, as well as in Germany and Italy by A. Star Comics in 2015 and 2016.
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