Uncharted (film)

Uncharted is an upcoming American action adventure film directed by Ruben Fleischer and written by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway. The film stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as his future mentor Victor Sullivan along with a supporting cast that includes Antonio Banderas, Sophia Taylor Ali and Tati Gabrielle. Uncharted is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on July 16, 2021 in IMAX, RealD 3D, and Dolby Cinema.

About Uncharted (film) in brief

Summary Uncharted (film)Uncharted is an upcoming American action adventure film directed by Ruben Fleischer and written by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway. The film stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as his future mentor Victor Sullivan along with a supporting cast that includes Antonio Banderas, Sophia Taylor Ali and Tati Gabrielle. Uncharted is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on July 16, 2021 in IMAX, RealD 3D, and Dolby Cinema by Sony Pictures Releasing. In 2008, film producer Avi Arad stated that he was working with a division of Sony to develop the film adaptation of Uncharted. Nathan Fillion expressed an interest in playing Nathan Drake, and started a campaign on Twitter to encourage fans to support him in the endeavor. On August 23, 2012, Burger dropped out of the film to work on Divergent and the husband and wife team of Marianne and Cormac Wibberley have been hired to rewrite the film’s script and make it even more intense and exciting for the audience. The movie will serve as a prequel to the games, while revealing the origins of Nathanrake and Victor \”Sully\” Sullivan.

It was at first to be written by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer and produced by Avi. Arad, Charles Roven, and Alex Gartner. On October 8, 2010, it was announced by Doug Belgrad and Matt Tolmach, co-presidents of Columbia Pictures, that David O. Russell had been set to write and direct the film, an action-adventure based upon the first game in the series. On May 26, 2011, It was reported that Russell had departed to direct Silver Linings Playbook. On July 6, Variety reported that Neil Burger was stepping in for Russell. Burger landed the offer after the studio and producers AviArad,Charles Roven and AlexGartner sparked to his new take on the film. In July, Burger spoke out about the film in July, saying the following: We’re re-writing the script from scratch, and I’m just jumping into that literally right now, about to close the deal and leap off.