The Conners

The Conners is an American sitcom television series created for ABC as a spin off continuation of the long-running series Roseanne. The series is produced by Werner Entertainment, with Bruce Helford serving as showrunner and stars John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson, Michael Fishman, Emma Kenney, Ames McNamara, Jayden Rey and Maya Lynne Robinson. Development on a spin-off began following the cancellation of Roseanne in May 2018, due to allegedly racist comments by Roseanne star Roseanne Barr on Twitter.

About The Conners in brief

Summary The ConnersThe Conners is an American sitcom television series created for ABC as a spin off continuation of the long-running series Roseanne. The series is produced by Werner Entertainment, with Bruce Helford serving as showrunner and stars John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson, Michael Fishman, Emma Kenney, Ames McNamara, Jayden Rey and Maya Lynne Robinson. Development on a spin-off began following the cancellation of Roseanne in May 2018, due to allegedly racist comments by Roseanne star Roseanne Barr on Twitter. The show premiered on October 16, 2018, airing in the Tuesday, 8: 00 PM slot its predecessor was scheduled to hold during the 2018–2019 television season. On March 22, 2019, the series was renewed for a second season of 13 episodes. An additional episode was then ordered, with season 2 totalling 20 episodes.

The second season premiered on September 24, 2019. In May 2020, ABC renewed the series for a third season, which premiered in October 21, 2020. The first season’s total number of episodes was 11, bringing the total season’s number to 11. The third season began on August 17, 2020, and the fourth season will premiere on October 20, 2020 in the United States, on CTV in Canada and on Ten in Australia. The fifth and final season of The Conners will be released on October 23, 2019 and October 25, 2019 in the U.S. and October 26, 2018 in Australia and Canada. The sixth and seventh season will be aired on October 31, 2018 and October 30, 2018. The seventh and eighth seasons will be broadcast on October 29, 2019 and October 30,. 2019.