The Chase is an American television quiz show adapted from the British program of the same name. It premiered on August 6, 2013, on Game Show Network. It is hosted by Brooke Burns, and features Mark Labbett in the role of the ‘chaser’ The Chase received positive critical reception, Burns and Labbett earned positive reviews for their roles.
About The Chase (American game show) in brief
The Chase is an American television quiz show adapted from the British program of the same name. The show premiered on August 6, 2013, on Game Show Network. It is hosted by Brooke Burns, and features Mark Labbett in the role of the ‘chaser’ The Chase received positive critical reception, Burns and Labbett earned positive reviews for their roles. In November 2020, ABC announced that it would premiere a new primetime version of The Chase in January 2021, which will be hosted by Sara Haines and star Jeopardy! champions James Holzhauer, Ken Jennings, and Brad Rutter as the chasers. The American version of the show follows the same general format as the original UK version, but with teams of three contestants instead of four. The game is a quiz competition in which contestants attempt to win money by challenging a quiz show genius known as theChase. The contestant’s goal is to answer enough questions correctly to move the earned winnings along the gameboard into the team bank without being caught by the chaser, whose job is to catch them by capitalizing on their mistakes. No movement is made by the contestant or chaser if an incorrect answer is provided or if they are locked out by a time limit. Further questions are asked until the contestant reaches the end of the game, or the contestant is eliminated from the game or thechaser catches them. The contestants who successfully complete their individual chases withoutBeing caught advance to the Final Chase, in which they answer questions as a team playing for an equal share of the prize fund accumulated throughout the episode.
For the contestant answers correctly, the prize money moves one step closer to the bank. Similarly, for the contestant who answers the question incorrectly, the money is shown one step further to the contestant’s bank. After all three contestants have played a Cash Builder round, the contestants who were not caught by a chaser advance to a Final Chase. The Final Chase is followed by a final round where the contestant must answer as many questions as possible in 60 seconds to earn as much money as possible to contribute to a prize fund for the team. After the contestant decides for which amount to play, the Prize Money is displayed on the game board. The Chase was nominated for two Daytime Emmy Award nominations, the series was nominated in 2014 for Outstanding Game Show, and Burns two years later for Out outstanding Game Show Host. Each lost to JeopardY! and Craig Ferguson respectively. In the first round, each contestant in turn wins money for their team by answering as many Questions correctly as possible during a one-minute rapid-fire round, entitled the ‘Cash Builder’ Each correct answer in this round adds USD 5,000 to theBank.
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