Midori is a 1992 Japanese independent ero guro adult horror film by Hiroshi Harada. Based on Suehiro Maruo’s comic version of the kamishibai standard. A live action film adaptation of the manga was released in Japan in May 2016.
About Shōjo Tsubaki in brief
Midori is a 1992 Japanese independent ero guro adult horror film by Hiroshi Harada, based on Suehiro Maruo’s comic version of the kamishibai standard. A live action film adaptation of the manga was released in Japan in May 2016. The film was for many years very rare to see at all as Harada will only screen Midori in Japan if the venue is presented as a carnival freak show. In 2013, the original 16 mm negative of the film was rediscovered in an IMAGICA warehouse.
A new print and digital master were made from this negative, and began to be screened in digital format in Japan numerous times. Harada’s production company plans to release a restored Blu-ray of the new master in 2020. The original manga follows the misadventures behind the colorful curtains and extravagant performances, there lies the dark side of the local funfair freak show, hidden away from the smiles and praises of the audience.
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