Rafel Toro

Private Rafel Toro was part of the U.S. Marine Corps occupation force in Nicaragua. He was mortally wounded in this action for which he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. On May 28, 2007 — Memorial Day — Senator Kenneth McClintock, President of the Senate of Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico National Guard Adjutant General Colonel David Carrión unveiled the names of Puerto Rican military heroes.

About Rafel Toro in brief

Summary Rafel ToroPrivate Rafel Toro was part of the U.S. Marine Corps occupation force in Nicaragua. On July 25, 1927, Private Toro was on advance guard duty into Nueva Segovia. He was mortally wounded in this action for which he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross.

On May 28, 2007 — Memorial Day — Senator Kenneth McClintock, President of the Senate of Puerto Rico, along with Puerto Rico National Guard Adjutant General Colonel David Carrión, unveiled the names of Puerto Rican military heroes.