Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo

“Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo” is the ninth episode of the first season of the American animated television series South Park. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on December 17, 1997. In the episode, the Jewish character Kyle feels excluded from the town’s celebrations during Christmas, and is comforted by a talking lump of feces.

About Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo in brief

Summary Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo“Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo” is the ninth episode of the first season of the American animated television series South Park. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on December 17, 1997. In the episode, the Jewish character Kyle feels excluded from the town’s celebrations during Christmas, and is comforted by a talking lump of feces. The townspeople remove all religious aspects of Christmas from South Park to remain politically correct and inoffensive. The episode was a satire of political correctness and religious sensitivity. It was viewed in about 4. 5 million households during its original broadcast, the highest Nielsen rating to that date for South Park and the fourth-highest overall for a basic cable entertainment program of 1997. It is the first South Park Christmas Special episode and the first musical episode, and the only episode in season one in which Kenny does not die. In addition to Mr. Hankey himself, the episode introduced the popular South Park songs \”A Lonely Jew on Christmas\” and \”Kyle’s Mom is a Big Fat Bitch\”. John Kricfalusi, the creator of The Ren & Stimpy Show, accused Parker and Stone of stealing the idea for Mr. Hankey from him, which the duo vehemently denied. Heavily influenced by the Peanuts Christmas special A Charlie Brown Christmas from 1965, “Mr.  Hankey” was based on an idea from Parker’s childhood; when they conceived the South Park series, they wanted to make Mr. Hankey the lead character.

It has been described as one of the classic South Park episodes, and has been called a “must-see” episode for fans of the series. It also features the first appearances of Craig Tucker, Mr.Hankey, and Mr. Mackey, as well as the school counselor Mr.Mackey and Kyle’s friends. The school pageant is stripped of all Christmas symbols and the children instead present a minimalist and minimalist song of Christmas, instead of a traditional one. Kyle is forced to quit the school’s Christmas nativity play when his mother hears of the play and expresses outrage that her Jewish son is being forced to participate in a Christian production. Kyle leaves the school feeling lonely and excluded because he cannot celebrate Christmas with everyone else. Kyle decides he will bring Mr. Hannkey to school to prove he is real, but this only causes more problems as he disguises himself as an unadorned, dried-out piece of feces when he is around people who do not believe in him. He is sent to talk to guidance counselors, but only gets into further trouble when he takes a bath in Mr. McKey’s coffee. Kyle’s parents believe he is insane, and take him into a mental institution where he is diagnosed as an Acute Acute Feciliacilliac. When Kyle finds out that Mr Hankey is actually out of the toilet, he does not actually break out in a fight. Like the whole town, the children find out that the school pageant has turned out to be a disaster.