Love, Inc. is an American television sitcom that originally aired for one season on United Paramount Network from September 22, 2005 to May 11, 2006. The series was originally developed as a vehicle and sitcom debut for Shannen Doherty under the working title Wingwoman. Doherty was removed from the project at the request of the network due to her poor reception by preview audiences; she was replaced by Busy Philipps. The show was set in New York City, but filming took place at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles and other locations in California. It was canceled following UPN’s merger with the WB to launch the CW in 2006.
About Love, Inc. (TV series) in brief
Love, Inc. is an American television sitcom that originally aired for one season on United Paramount Network from September 22, 2005 to May 11, 2006. The series was originally developed as a vehicle and sitcom debut for Shannen Doherty under the working title Wingwoman. Doherty was removed from the project at the request of the network due to her poor reception by preview audiences; she was replaced by Busy Philipps. The show was set in New York City, but filming took place at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles and other locations in California. It suffered from low viewership despite its high ratings among young Hispanic women; it was canceled following UPN’s merger with the WB to launch the CW in 2006. Critics praised its multi-ethnic cast, while others felt that the storylines and characters were unoriginal and Philipps’ portrayal of her character was unsympathetic. It has not been made available on Blu-ray or DVD, but has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray in the United Kingdom, Finland and the United States by LivingTV and Nelonen in the U.K. and Finland respectively. It was produced by Chase TV, the Littlefield Company, BurgKoules Television, and Paramount Television. The executive producers were Adam Chase, Warren Littlefield, Mark Burg and Oren Koules. It included contemporary hip hop music and was promoted heavily by UPN to attract an urban audience, and to that end it was paired with Everybody Hates Chris as its lead-in on Thursday nights.
In its original run, the show’s concept was based on an article in The New York Times that discussed dating services. Each of the characters has various comedic and romantic adventures outside the agency, like Viviana’s search for an eligible United States citizen to marry to secure a green card and Denise’s inability to find true love despite her talent in matching her clients with their \”seemingly unattainable soulmates\”. The series features the following five main characters throughout its run: Clea Lavoy, the receptionist Viviana, the style expert Francine, and the technician and photographer Barry. On April 18, Holly Robinson Peete was confirmed to have joined the cast as the boss of Denise Johnson, Doherty’s character. The pilot was marketed as a comedy, but Doherty said she loved the script for the pilot and felt intimidated by the role. On May 12, 2005, UPN announced that Doherty would portray Denise Johnson in a unaired pilot that aired unaired that year. The first episode of the pilot aired at 8pm ET/PT on September 23, 2005. The second episode aired at 9pm ET on September 24, 2005 and the third and fourth episodes aired at 10pm ET and 10pm EST on September 25, 2005 respectively.
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