Kaithi is a 2019 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film stars Karthi with Narain, Arjun Das, Harish Uthaman, George Maryan and Dheena in pivotal roles. It was released on 25 October 2019, coinciding on Diwali, along with the Telugu dubbed version titled Khaidi. A Hindi-language remake starring Ajay Devgn has been officially announced.
About Kaithi (2019 film) in brief
Kaithi is a 2019 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film stars Karthi with Narain, Arjun Das, Harish Uthaman, George Maryan and Dheena in pivotal roles. Kaithi was released on 25 October 2019, coinciding on Diwali, along with the Telugu dubbed version titled Khaidi. It opened to generally favorable reviews praising the action sequences, performances, writing and exclusion of songs. It became a blockbuster and went on to win a number of accolades. A Hindi-language remake starring Ajay Devgn has been officially announced. The core plot of the movie was reportedly inspired by the 1976 movie Assault on Precinct 13. It follows Dilli, a recently freed prisoner who is arrested due to suspicion while en route to meet his daughter for the first time in life. Inspector Bejoy enlists Dilli’s help to drive the officers to hospital in a lorry, in exchange for seeing his daughter. Dilli and Bejoy and the lorry’s owner find themselves in a chase with the criminals and must race against time to reach the hospital and also save a police station about to come under siege. Bejoy, who avoided the drinks as he was under medication, tries to save the lives of all the unconscious officials without letting the media or anyone else finding out.
He convinces Dilli to help him save the officers’ lives by threatening him that he would not allow him to see his daughter Amudha for the next morning. The movie was selected for official screening at International Indian Film Festival in Toronto, held in August 2020. It has also been selected to be shown at the International Film Festival of India in New York City in September 2020, and at the Toronto International Film festival in October 2020. The Telugu version of the film has been announced to be released in the same month as the Tamil version. It is expected to be a box office success and has been dubbed into Telugu as well as Kannada and dubbed into Malayalam. It will be released on October 25, 2019, at 8.30pm in India and on October 26, 2019 in the United States at 8:30pm and in the UK at 9:00pm. It was released in India on October 27, 2019 at 9.30am and 9:30am in the U.S. and 10:00am on October 28, 2019. The Tamil version has been released in Telugu and U.K. at 10:15am and 11:15pm respectively. The English version will be released on October 30, 20th October, and 20th September, in the US at 9pm and 10th September. The UK version will be released on October 31, 19th October.
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