
What is Intelligence?

Intelligence has been defined in many ways, including capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It’s the ability to perceive or infer information and retain it as knowledge to be applied within an environment. But what exactly does this mean? How do we measure intelligence in humans, animals, and even plants?

The Evolution of Intelligence

How did the concept of intelligence rise to prominence during the early 1900s? The term ‘intelligence’ derives from Latin nouns intelligentia or intellēctus, which stem from the verb intelligere, meaning to comprehend or perceive. Over time, psychologists have divided intelligence into various domains and competencies, sparking debates on its definition and measurement.

Human Intelligence

Human intelligence is marked by complex cognitive feats and high levels of motivation and self-awareness. It enables us to remember descriptions of things, learn, form concepts, understand, reason, recognize patterns, innovate, plan, solve problems, and communicate through language. But can these abilities be quantified? Enter IQ tests, which were developed in the early 20th century to screen for intellectual disability but later became widely used for various purposes.

IQ Tests: A Controversial Measure

Are IQ tests a reliable measure of overall intelligence? Many psychologists agree that IQ measures certain aspects of human intelligence, yet question its validity as a comprehensive measure. Debates surround the heritability of IQ and whether genetics or environment explains differences in performance between racial groups.

Multifaceted Intelligence

Intelligence isn’t just about numbers; it’s also about emotions and social interactions. Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing emotions, which benefits problem-solving skills and mental health. Social intelligence refers to understanding social cues and motivations in social situations, though its distinctness from emotional intelligence is debated. Moral intelligence, on the other hand, understands right from wrong and behaves based on values believed to be right.

Animal Intelligence

Animals such as chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants, and ravens are notable for their intelligence, while cephalopods provide a comparative study of intelligence across species. Researchers have studied animal cognition, including problem-solving abilities, numerical and verbal reasoning. Despite having nervous systems different from those of vertebrates and arthropods, cephalopods exhibit intelligence in cognitive ability measures similar to humans. Plants are capable of sense, modeling, and adapting their environment but some argue that their abilities do not constitute true intelligence due to the lack of persistent memories.

Artificial Intelligence: The Future

The definition and operationalization of intelligence are challenges when studying animal cognition. Artificial intelligence is defined as a system’s ability to perceive its environment, learn from data, and achieve specific goals through flexible adaptation. Different scholars propose various definitions of intelligence, including optimization power, achievement of goals in different environments, and cognitive ability as a multidimensional parameter. However, the debate continues: can artificial intelligences truly understand or behave like humans?

Limitations of AI

Can machines truly think like us? According to historian George Dyson, ‘Any system simple enough to be understandable will not be complicated enough to behave intelligently, while any system complicated enough to behave intelligently will be too complicated to understand.’ Similarly, computer scientist Alex Pentland states that current AI machine-learning algorithms are dead simple and can easily make errors a human never would. They lack common sense and can take instructions too literally.


The journey of understanding intelligence is far from over. Whether it’s the complex cognitive feats of humans, the problem-solving abilities of animals, or the evolving capabilities of artificial intelligences, each domain presents unique challenges and insights. As we continue to explore these questions, one thing remains clear: intelligence is a multifaceted concept that continues to captivate our imagination.

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