Inner Workings is a 3D hand-drawncomputer-animated adventure short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The short follows the inner workings of Paul, a man living in California during the 1980s. It premiered in theaters on November 23, 2016 along with Walt Disney Pictures’ Moana.
About Inner Workings in brief
Inner Workings is a 3D hand-drawncomputer-animated adventure short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It is directed by Leo Matsuda and produced by Sean Lurie. The short follows the inner workings of Paul, a man living in California during the 1980s. It premiered in theaters on November 23, 2016 along with Walt Disney Pictures’ Moana.
It received a positive critical reception, for its animation, humor, medical accuracy, and message, that all work and no joy is no way to live a life. The film was loosely based on biological transparent overlays he read from Encyclopædia Britannica as a child.
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