Grand Army (TV series)

Grand Army (TV series)

Grand Army is an American teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on October 16, 2020. The series follows the lives of Joey Del Marco, Dom Pierre, Sid Pakam, Jayson Jackson, and Leila Kwan Zimmer at Grand Army High School in Brooklyn, New York.

About Grand Army (TV series) in brief

Summary Grand Army (TV series)Grand Army is an American teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on October 16, 2020. It is loosely based on Cappiello’s Slut: The Play. The series follows the lives of Joey Del Marco, Dom Pierre, Sid Pakam, Jayson Jackson, and Leila Kwan Zimmer at Grand Army High School, a public high school, in Brooklyn, New York.

On the day of the teaser release, writer Ming Peiffer stated on Twitter that she and two other writers of color had quit the project.