Federal judge salaries in the United States

Federal judge salaries in the United States

Federal judge salaries are determined by the United States Congress and are governed in part by the U.S. Constitution. Compensation varies based upon the particular judgeship, though it generally increases commensurate with the office. Judges of the Tax Court receive the same compensation as district court judges. bankruptcy judges receive compensation equal to 92 percent of the salary of district judges.

About Federal judge salaries in the United States in brief

Summary Federal judge salaries in the United StatesFederal judge salaries are determined by the United States Congress and are governed in part by the U.S. Constitution. Compensation varies based upon the particular judgeship, though it generally increases commensurate with the office. Judges of the Tax Court receive the same compensation as district court judges. Since 1988, bankruptcy judges receive compensation equal to 92 percent of the salary of district judges. United States Administrative Law Judges are hired in the pay category of AL 3A and proceed on an annual basis through the steps until they reach AL 3F.

Due to wage compression and the lack of any federal pay increases, most USALJs earn USD 168,600 annually as of 2015. The base pay for each step varies according to the location of the position and the locality pay paid in that area. The following table lists annual salary increases for the justices from 1789 to present.