
Eksperimentet is a 2010 Danish drama film written and directed by Louise Friedberg. The film deals with a 1950s social experiment and the problem of cultural genocide in Greenland. In 1951 the Danish colonial authorities removed 22 Greenlandic Inuit children from their homes, relocating them to Denmark for adoption and education.

About Eksperimentet in brief

Summary EksperimentetEksperimentet is a 2010 Danish drama film written and directed by Louise Friedberg, and starring Ellen Hillingsø. The film deals with a 1950s social experiment and the problem of cultural genocide in Greenland. In 1951 the Danish colonial authorities removed 22 Greenlandic Inuit children from their homes, relocating them to Denmark for adoption and education. The surviving children lost their native language and culture, and suffered from the psychological trauma of being separated from their families most of their lives.

More than half died before reaching adulthood. In 2009, on behalf of the Government of Greenland, the prime minister Kuupik Kleist demanded an official apology from Denmark for the failed social experiment. Lars Løkke Rasmussen refused, while admitting that the event was ‘unfortunate’