“Confirmed Dead” is the second episode of the fourth season of ABC’s serial television drama Lost. It was first aired on February 7, 2008, on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada. Ken Leung played Miles Straume, Rebecca Mader played Charlotte Lewis and Jeff Fahey played Frank Lapidus. The episode’s five flashbacks focus on the reactions and activities of the freighter’s crew who made contact with the Oceanic 815 survivors.
About Confirmed Dead in brief
“Confirmed Dead” is the second episode of the fourth season of ABC’s serial television drama Lost. It was first aired on February 7, 2008, on ABC in the United States and on CTV in Canada. Ken Leung played Miles Straume, Rebecca Mader played Charlotte Lewis and Jeff Fahey played Frank Lapidus. The episode’s five flashbacks focus on the reactions and activities of the freighter’s crew who made contact with the Oceanic 815 survivors. John Locke leads his group to the Barracks to find out why Ben Linus is afraid of the newcomers. It received generally positive critical reception as reviewers praised the introduction of the new characters. “Conf confirmed dead” was watched by 17 million Americans and received mostly positive reviews from critics. It is the 74th episode overall on the series and the last episode of season four, which will be aired on September 14, 2009. The final episode of Season four will be broadcast on September 15, 2009, on the same channel as the previous episode. It will feature the first appearances of the main characters Miles Straumes and Charlotte Lewis, as well as the supporting character Frank lapidus, who was originally scheduled to pilot flight 815. The actors were given fake scenes when auditioning to limit the leak of story information or spoilers. The writers changed the characters to suit the actors’ visions of Charlotte and Frank, but the role of Miles was changed for Leung.
After seeing Leung star on HBO’s The Sopranos in April 2007, co-executive producers Damon Lindeluse and Carlton Cofeluse wrote the role of Miles in April 2008 and wrote the script for the episode in May 2007. The producers used the nickname “freighter folk” to refer to Daniel, Charlotte, and Frank. The show’s producers used to use the nickname “Freighter Folk” to refer to the crew of the ship that landed on the island in the episode’s first few weeks of filming. The name “Freighter” is a reference to the nickname given to Daniel and Charlotte by the show’s writers and producers, Carlton and Damon Cofluse, and the nickname used to refer to the crew of the ship in the first few episodes of season two of the series. The title of the episode also refers to the ship’s crew, which landed in the same place as the original Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 on December 21, 2004, 91 days after the original characters crash-land on a tropical island. The next morning, on December 22,2004, two of those survivors – Jack Shephard and Kate Austen – help Daniel find his colleagues, as the rival group led by Locke attempts to do the same. Naomi Dorrit is shown in a posthumous flashback, criticizing her employer Matthew Abaddon for his choice in her coworkers. After Daniel parachutes from a failing helicopter onto the island, he uses Naomi’s phone to contact George Minkowski on the ship.
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