Ceroplastes ceriferus

Ceroplastes ceriferus

Ceroplastes ceriferus, the Indian wax scale, is a species of scale insect in the family Coccidae. Adults have a forward-pointing waxy horn and there are waxy filaments projecting from the margin of the scale. In many populations, only females exist, giving birth by parthenogenesis.

About Ceroplastes ceriferus in brief

Summary Ceroplastes ceriferusCeroplastes ceriferus, the Indian wax scale, is a species of scale insect in the family Coccidae. It is native to southern Asia and has spread to many other parts of the world. Adults have a forward-pointing waxy horn and there are waxy filaments projecting from the margin of the scale.

In many populations, only females exist, giving birth by parthenogenesis.