Baron Trump novels

The Baron Trump novels are two children’s novels written in 1889 and 1893 by the American author and lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood. The novels recount the adventures of the German boy Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp as he discovers weird underground civilizations. They remained obscure until 2017, when they received media attention for perceived similarities between their protagonist and U.S. President Donald Trump. As of July 2017, filmmaker and Trump supporter Leigh Scott was reported to be planning a crowdsourcing campaign to produce a feature film adaptation.

About Baron Trump novels in brief

Summary Baron Trump novelsThe Baron Trump novels are two children’s novels written in 1889 and 1893 by the American author and lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood. The novels recount the adventures of the German boy Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, who goes by \”Baron Trump\”, as he discovers weird underground civilizations. They remained obscure until 2017, when they received media attention for perceived similarities between their protagonist and U.S.

President Donald Trump. As of July 2017, filmmaker and Trump supporter Leigh Scott was reported to be planning a crowdsourcing campaign to produce a feature film adaptation.