American Housewife

American Housewife is an American sitcom television series that debuted on October 11, 2016, on ABC. It is created and written by Sarah Dunn and co-executive produced with Aaron Kaplan, Kenny Schwartz, Rick Wiener, and for the pilot only Ruben Fleischer. In May 2020, the series was renewed for a fifth season, which premiered on October 28, 2020.

About American Housewife in brief

Summary American HousewifeAmerican Housewife is an American sitcom television series that debuted on October 11, 2016, on ABC. It is created and written by Sarah Dunn and co-executive produced with Aaron Kaplan, Kenny Schwartz, Rick Wiener, and for the pilot only Ruben Fleischer. In May 2020, the series was renewed for a fifth season, which premiered on October 28, 2020. The series chronicles the daily life of Katie Otto, a wife and mother who tries to maintain her sense of self and family while dealing with the wealthy, pretentious, arrogant housewives and their privileged children in her new hometown of Westport, Connecticut. American Housewife has received mixed reviews from television critics, with Katy Mixon’s performance being praised as the show’s highlight.

The first 15 episodes of the fourth season began to premiere on September 27, 2019, and on November 7,2019, a back order of six episodes was announced. On September 21, 2020, CMT began airing reruns of American Housewives on CMT. In November, Carly Hughes announced she had also left ahead of the fifth season due to a toxic work environment. Following Hughes’ departure, Holly Robinson Peete was cast in a recurring role meant to fill the void. Before this incident, there were various other episodes in which the character Taylor dressed up as a prom girl poking fun at Norwalk, Connecticut’s location of Norwalk.