Abby is an American sitcom that aired for one season on UPN from January 6, 2003, to March 4, 2003. The show revolves around television producer Abigail “Abby” Walker and her relationship with her ex-boyfriend Will Jeffries. The pilot episode was directed by Leonard R. Garner Jr. and filmed in Los Angeles along with the rest of the series.
About Abby (TV series) in brief
Abby is an American sitcom that aired for one season on UPN from January 6, 2003, to March 4, 2003. The show revolves around television producer Abigail “Abby” Walker and her relationship with her ex-boyfriend Will Jeffries. Critics classified Abby as a sex comedy and romantic comedy. Despite UPN’s heavy promotion, it attracted a weekly average of just 1. 7 million viewers, making it the lowest-performing show tracked by Nielsen Holdings. Critics praised Poitier’s acting but criticized the show’s reliance on sexual humor. The series received comparisons to the sitcoms Three’s Company and Will & Grace, though other critics felt it was a romantic comedy and sex comedy. The pilot episode was directed by Leonard R. Garner Jr. and filmed in Los Angeles along with the rest of the series.
It was the first starring role in a television series for actress Amy Poehler, who also played Abby’s best friend Joanne Walker in the pilot episode. Abby’s mother and father, played by Michelle Phillips and Charlie Robinson, appear as recurring characters. It is one of the few television shows to represent interracial couples, according to the Sun-Sentinel’s Greg Braxton. The first episode of Abby was screened as part of a discussion on the 2002–2003 UPN television season, and cited as an example of Abby’s dating life through the dating life of Will and Abby’s relationship. The second episode was shown for the first time in the UPN network’s 2002-2003 television season. The third episode was screened for the network’s 2003-2004 TV season.
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