A Little Life is a 2015 novel by American novelist Hanya Yanagihara. The novel follows the lives of four friends in New York City from college through to middle-age. It focuses particularly on Jude, a lawyer with a mysterious past, ambiguous ethnicity, and unexplained health issues. Jude was sexually traumatized at a very young age, making it difficult for him to engage in romantic relationships.
About A Little Life in brief
A Little Life is a 2015 novel by American novelist Hanya Yanagihara. The novel follows the lives of four friends in New York City from college through to middle-age. It focuses particularly on Jude, a lawyer with a mysterious past, ambiguous ethnicity, and unexplained health issues. Jude was sexually traumatized at a very young age, making it difficult for him to engage in romantic relationships. He also suffers from severe nerve damage in his spine that causes him great pain, which he blames on a car injury he sustained as a child. Despite this, he thrives in his law practice and develops a close parent-child relationship with his former professor, Harold, and his wife Julia, which results in the pair adopting him when Jude turns thirty. The two settle into a comfortable life, which is shaken when Jude’s legs become worse, and he must reluctantly amputate them. The pair eventually learn to walk again with their new prosthetics and enter a relationship, but Jude still struggles with sleeping with women and not enjoying sex with Willem. The book was written over the course of eighteen months.
Despite the length and difficult subject matter, it became a bestseller. It was published by Simon & Schuster on September 14, 2015. It is available in hardback and paperback. It has been translated into several languages, including French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. It can be pre-ordered at Amazon.com for $24.99 and £16.99. It will be released in paperback on September 25, 2015, and on Blu-ray and DVD on September 26, 2015 for $29.99, £24.98, and £25.99 for both paperback and Blu-Ray respectively. For more information on how to order your copy of A Little Life, visit the publisher’s website at: http://www.amazon.com/A-Little-Life-The-Book-By-Hanya-Yanagihara-and-Shelley-Yanagihara/discounts-on-discs-from-September-25-15-99-£25-99. For a limited time only, you can buy a copy of the book on Amazon.uk for $19.99 (and a limited amount of money on the Kindle version is available at Amazon for $14.99). For more info on the book, visit www.samaritans.org. For the full version of this article, go to the Amazon website at http://shop. Amazon.co.uk/.
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