Head Over Heels is an American television sitcom that aired on United Paramount Network from August 26 to October 28, 1997. The series is set in the eponymous video dating agency based in Miami Beach, Florida, and run by brothers Jack and Warren Baldwin. The sitcom was the lowest-performing series tracked by Nielsen Holdings for the 1997–1998 television season.
About Head over Heels (American TV series) in brief
Head Over Heels is an American television sitcom that aired on United Paramount Network from August 26 to October 28, 1997. The series is set in the eponymous video dating agency based in Miami Beach, Florida, and run by brothers Jack and Warren Baldwin. It received a negative response from commentators, who criticized its sex comedy and characters. The sitcom was the lowest-performing series tracked by Nielsen Holdings for the 1997–1998 television season. During production, Connie Stevens was set to play the Baldwins’ mother in a recurring role. UPN president Dean Valentine denied accusations that he was “abandoning the black audience or turning down projects featuring black stars and producers”. Head over Heels was one of 30 U.S. programs to feature a gay, lesbian or bisexual character through its inclusion of Patrick Bristow, Ian, Carmen and Valentina.
The bisexual, celibate Ian is frequently questioned about his sexuality, and former stripper Valentina is a receptionist who is knowledgeable about computers. Karen Dior and Bernie Kopell guest starred in the series as themselves. Jim Lange, who Jack had idolized since childhood, also appears in an episode as himself. The pilot episode features Warren having sex with a client in his office despite the agency’s dating policy, and a bikini fashion show. In the series’ original pilot episode, the mother is the dating agency’s original owner who passes it on to her sons. In the second version of the pilot, LaRue was added to the show after her character was removed from the soap opera My All the Children.
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